As I stare and look at the blue lit sky

My mind goes to wander, I don’t know why

I find myself in the deepest of oceans

Encountering the most deepest thoughts

I simply get lost

sitting there inthroned

I’m never there alone, there is always one

It’s almost as He made the sky to find me


It’s somewhat magical, an intimacy sought

out, a well where both seem to draw deeply

It is there my heart is warmed completely

There is no judgment there, only a heart

seeking my focus and attention

It is in this place I find wisdom

The breaking of the hard vessel

My stubbornness always wanting to wrestle


Only to be melted by love unconditionally

May your day be met with a blue lit sky!

Full Of Roses

After writing Born into a cloud and sharing the scripture God gave me the day after writing it, I memorized the poem and scripture and shared them for a year straight. One day driving my work truck on the freeway, Gods presence came over me at the same time the words in my head,” I realize life is not all roses,” entered my mind. I began to cry very heavily to the point of not being able to drive. So i pulled off onto the next exit and pulled off to a dirt area where i continued to cry under the move of God. I couldn’t stop crying and the presence of God seemed to get stronger, i began to ask God to stop. It was very overwhelming to the point of begging him, please God stop. He answered my request, and i was able to pick up a pad of paper and write the words I heard when the rest came.  This poem became my marching orders as an Evangelist, and I have been planting people roses ever since. With the help of the one perfect ROSE!

This is the second poem I wrote which became the name of my ministry fullofrosesinspirationals.

Full Of Roses

I realize that life is not all roses
At times just a scent of a rose
Other times a full blossom of roses
The day comes when the roses
Begin to wilt die and fall away
There is a gloom in a wilted rose
A lost hope I suppose
Life to me is about a Rose
I found the most beautiful Rose one day
This Rose continues to blossom in my life
Never wilting, never-dying
Full of life and blossoms ever so bright
What I found in this Rose is
When the scent is right
And it is in full blossom
To cultivate the soil planting more roses
Clipping the old and wilted away
That there is a continual scent of roses
And a fullness of blossoms
So in this one Rose I have planted many
And I will continue all my days
Until life is full of roses

The story continues 20 years after writing Born into a Cloud and Full of Roses, one in 2000 and the other in 2001. God was about to prove He was the one who wrote them both, by the power of His Holy Spirit. I was only the vessel. The first thing that happened was God began to speak to me about New Life and New Beginnings. I’m not going to go into details, this is a long enough story. What I will say is God had me watching and waiting.

Several years back my daughter was in college and her and I were having a little bit of a struggle in our relationship. I felt she was getting away from the Christian faith she was raised in. I began to pray for her God would bring a godly man into her life. I knew I would know he was the one when he showed certain traits, and that is exactly what happened. When he came into her life he took her to church every weekend. He grew up in a Christian house with a family that loved mission work. His last name is Mccloud. So last year 20 years after writing Born into a Cloud, my granddaughter was born into a Mccloud. My granddaughter’s name is Natalie which comes from the word Nativity. Jesus was born into a cloud as the Savior to a dying world. He became the light into our darkness.

I grew up never knowing my real father. My mother at one time had asked me if I was interested in finding him, and I told her no. At that time in my life God had become my father. My relationship with God had filled that place in my heart, I had no need to find my real father. God though had other plans. Christmas 2020, my wife had purchased for me an Ancestry kit as a gift. I never once thought I was going to find my real father. I actually set it on a shelf for about 6 months before I turned it in. Never thinking once, I would find my biological father. Then the results came in, and well long story short it connected me to him, and I went to meet him on my 53rd birthday, and he was 87. It was a true blessing! It was as if we had already known each other.

During my visit with my dad, I had shared with him about my faith, only to be surprised by his shared faith. He had also given his life to Christ. I shared with him my testimony and both poems Born into a Cloud and Full of roses. When I shared Full of Roses my dad said just wait until you see this, and began going through all his tall closets for about 20 minutes. He then came to me holding a book my grandmother wrote in 2001, about her life. She wrote it the same year I wrote Full of Roses. He let me know she is no longer alive, and I would not be able to meet her. I can tell you after reading it, I not only feel like I met her, but that I know her. In her book she talks about her relationship with her husband during the great depression. It was about how he would cheat on her with other women, leaving her and her kids to suffer in poverty, until he came asking for forgiveness, only to move to other towns and repeat it around five different times. Then I turned the page.

My Grandmother wrote the first full of roses.

Read my poem again, then read hers. She had a neighbor who gave her a rose from their rose bush? This neighbor was giving her Christ, prayer, wisdom, council, love, friendship. Then on the path she gave the rose away and they gave the rose away until life is Full of Roses! Will you please give this rose away? God bless you!

Written by Ken Hernandez

Thanks for visiting blessings!


The raod of love_edited-2

All of us on this road of life are searching for and needing love. Unfortunately what we find is, love is not easy. A more familiar expression we experience is rejection and it comes from the ones we love the most.

There are so many forms of rejection we experience. I am learning that looking for love in and through people is a road of hurt, disappointment, insecurity, self doubt, low self esteem, depression, and a loss of true identity.

I believe love was and has always been meant to be found in and through our Savior Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

You see Gods love is perfect! When we seek Gods love and learn His patients, grace and commitment to us, we will be forever changed in the way we view love, especially the way we view it in this broken world full of broken people who only know how to give broken love!!!

As we begin to understand God and His love for us and how His love deals with our broken love. We will begin to know how to love others with a Godly love and learn how to receive broken love as He does.

Simon Peter, Do You Love Me?
John 21
So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My lambs.” He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep.” (21:15–17)

Anyway, using the Greek words (in their anglicized forms), here is a summary of the passage.


Jesus asked Peter if he agape’d Him

Peter responded that he phileo’d Him


Jesus asked Peter if he agape’d Him

Peter responded that he phileo’d Him


Jesus asked Peter if he phileo’d Him

Peter responded that he phileo’d Him

The argument made by the scholars is that Jesus asked Peter if he had the highest form of love for Him. However, Peter could only say that he had the lower form of love for His Saviour. Finally, the third time He asked the question using the word for the lower form of love. This showed that Jesus was satisfied if Peter could only love Him with phileo love.

The reason we reject and are rejected is that we only know the lower kind of love phileo.

Our call from God is to first recieve His love, (agape love) which is a higher form of love that is perfected in Christ! Then in return practice giving this kind of love to God and others that our desire to be loved and to love others will be fulfilling!

God bless you today, I hope this was a word of encouragement and healing!



The rainbow has such a significant symbolic meaning of promise! In my very first blog I shared with you my very first poem called Born Into A Cloud which I wrote three different blogs titled My First Poem giving you my testimony. In My First Poem, One of the lines in the poem I believe the Holy Spirit wrote Is, the rainbow God created you to be, when there seemed to be no hope the clouds are lifted by the winds of salvation. This poem moved me to do a study on the rainbows meaning in the bible which I will share with you now.

Here is the poem

Born into a cloud smothered into darkness
bringing rainfall in abundance
the deep fog keeps you from knowing who you are
Lightning strikes your person a lashing out in pain
the world is blinded by the dark cloud that covers
life hails in destruction leaving no hope or sanity
until a light shines from heaven revealing your true colors
the rainbow God created you to be
when there seemed to be no hope
the clouds are lifted by the winds of salvation
and you are born again by the love and mercy
of the lord Jesus Christ
whom brings forth truth in everlasting life.

Genesis 9 (New International Version)

8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

He set a rainbow in the clouds as a promise to us, He will never flood the earth again. Which means when the storms come we will not be overtaken. The Rainbow is a hand painted piece of art by God displaying His heart and person in the beauty of salvation to those He loves. It Is one of His ways to say, I am Here and I love you!

Ezekiel 1 (Expanded Bible)

25 A voice came from above the ·dome [vault; expanse; or platform] over the heads of the living creatures. When the living creatures stopped, they lowered their wings. 26 Now above the ·dome [vault; expanse; or platform] there was something that looked like a throne. It looked like ·a sapphire gem [or la pis lazuli]. And on the throne high above was a ·shape [form; figure] like a ·human [man]. 27 Then I noticed that from the waist up the shape looked like glowing ·metal [or amber] with fire inside. From the waist down it looked like fire, and a bright light was all around. 28 The surrounding ·glow [radiance; brightness] looked like the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day. ·It seemed to look like [LThis was the appearance of the likeness of] the glory of the Lord [Chis manifest presence]. So when I saw it, I ·bowed [fell] face-down on the ground and heard a voice speaking.

In Ezekiel s vision He sees the presence of God and He described it as glowing metal with fire inside from the waist down it looked like fire, and a bright light was all around. 28 The surrounding ·glow [radiance; brightness] looked like the rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day

. looked like the rainbow in the clouds!!!! Even Gods presence is like a rainbow in the clouds. Could it be when we see a rainbow we are actually seeing an image of God. An Image of His promise. Lets look at Moses!

Exodus 24 (Expanded Bible)

Moses Meets with God

15 When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud [Crepresenting God’s presence] covered it. 16 The glory of the Lord [Crepresenting his manifest presence] ·came down [Lsettled] on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from inside the cloud. 17 To the ·Israelite s [Lsons/Tchildren of Israel] the glory of the Lord looked like a fire burning on top of the mountain. 18 Then Moses went into the cloud and went higher up the mountain. He was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.

I love this part because when Moses was called up the mountain what was seen was a cloud covering it. At the top of the mountain what the people could see was like a fire, a glowing fire inside the cloud on top of the mountain. Half of the way up the mountain was covered with the cloud, which means half the way up this very high mountain, Moses was without sight. Isn’t that like our walks with God? when we climb the mountain of God, we can’t see where we are going. When we get to the top we see the glory of God. I believe when Moses got to the top of the mountain the Glory of God was just like Ezekiel s vision. He saw what looked like a rainbow in the clouds. A consuming fire that looked like glowing metal.

Revelation 4

Expanded Bible (EXB)

John Sees Heaven

After the vision of these things I looked, and [Llook; Tbehold] there before me was an open door in heaven. And the ·same [Lfirst] voice that spoke to me before, that sounded like a trumpet [1:8], said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.” Immediately I was in the ·Spirit [or spirit; Ca state of deep spiritual communion with God; 1:10], and [Llook; Tbehold] before me was a throne in heaven, and someone was sitting on it. The One who sat on the throne looked like precious stones, like jasper and carnelian [Ca symbol of great beauty, purity and value]. All around the throne was a ·rainbow [or halo] ·the color of [or that looked like] an emerald.

Around the thrown encircling it was a rainbow. You see when you die and are face to face with God what you will see is amazing color of jewels and sapphires and rubies. There will be incredible light and the image you will see of His glory will look like that of a rainbow.  I would like to look at another symbol that represents the rainbow and Gods promise of son-ship, Royalty!

Genesis 37 (Expanded Bible)

3 Since Joseph was born when his father Israel [CJacob’s other name] was old, Israel loved him more than his other sons. He made Joseph a special robe with long sleeves [Ctraditionally a multicolored robe]. 4 When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father loved him more than he loved them, they hated their brother and could not speak to him ·politely [Ccivilly; Lpeacefully].

The robe of many colors. This robe is the same robe in the Prodigal Son that the Master has His servants get to put on him. It represents royalty son-ship. I also believe this is Gods covering, a rainbow covering, meaning promise!

Exodus 28 (Expanded Bible)

28 “·Tell your brother Aaron to come [LBring near your brother Aaron] to you, along with his sons Nada b, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. ·Separate them from the other Israelites to [L…to] serve me as priests. 2 Make holy ·clothes [garments; vestments] for your brother Aaron to give him ·honor [glory] and ·beauty [splendor]. 3 Tell all the ·skilled craftsmen to whom I have given wisdom [Lthe wise of heart whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom; Cwisdom here is a practical knowledge, a skill] to make ·special clothes [garments; vestments] for Aaron—clothes to show that he ·belongs to me [is consecrated/set apart/ holy] so that he may serve me as a priest. 4 These are the clothes they must make: a ·chest covering [breastpiece], a ·holy vest [ephod], an outer robe, a ·woven inner [or checkered] robe, a turban, and a ·cloth belt [sash]. They must make these ·holy [sacred] clothes for your brother Aaron and his sons. Then they may serve me as priests. 5 They must use gold and blue, purple and ·red [scarlet] thread, and fine linen.

The Holy Vest

6 “Use gold and blue, purple and ·red [scarlet] thread, and fine linen to make the ·holy vest [ephod]; ·skilled craftsmen are to make it [skillfully worked]. 7 At each top corner of it there will be a pair of shoulder straps tied together over each shoulder.

8 “·The craftsmen will very carefully weave a belt [LThe embroidered waistband] on the ·holy vest that is [Lephod will be] made with the same materials—gold and blue, purple and ·red [scarlet] thread, and fine linen.

9 “Take two onyx stones and write the names of the twelve sons of Israel on them, 10 six on one stone and six on the other. Write the names in order, ·from the oldest son to the youngest [according to the order of their birth]. 11 ·Carve [Engrave] the names of the sons of Israel on these stones in the same way a person ·carves words and designs on a seal [engraves a seal/signet]. Put gold [Lfiligree] around the stones to hold them on the ·holy vest [ephod]. 12 Then put the two stones on the two straps of the ·holy vest [ephod] as reminders of the twelve sons of Israel. Aaron is to ·wear [bear] their names on his shoulders in the presence of the Lord as reminders of the sons of Israel. 13 Make ·two gold pieces to hold the stones [settings of gold filigree] 14 and two chains of pure gold, twisted together like a rope. Attach the chains to the ·two gold pieces that hold the stones [Lsettings].

This is the clothing for priest of the Kingdom Of God, it continues on if you want to go back and read more. Notice again it is a robe of many colors and full of jewels. Now this is old Testament, today we Christians are all considered to be a Kingdom Of priest and a holy nation. I believe this is our spiritual robe to be worn as a child of royalty and purpose. The anointed of God. This spiritual robe is Gods presence which if you remember it is that of a rainbow in the clouds. His presence is on us like a cloud, a consuming fire of glowing metal, a rainbow in the clouds of this world. We are His rainbows of promise to the lost.

Revelation 1:6

Expanded Bible (EXB)

6 He made us to be a ·kingdom of priests [or kingdom and priests; or kingdom, that is, priests; Ex. 19:6] who serve ·God his Father [Lhis God and Father]. To ·Jesus Christ [Lhim] be glory and ·power [dominion] forever and ever! Amen.

May God clothe you in rainbows of blessing and purpose, and full of promise as the children of the living God.


In a world gone mad, I can’t help but to be sad
At what has become the new norm
It’s like a storm that blew over and never blew away
What can I say, as days grow darker
I’m left with only this light given to me
A light meant to shine
It’s at this precious time, it’s meant to shine even more
If my words are touching your soul
Then let it be known, there is a light shining greater than me
It is He that will set you free, and fulfill your needs
In dark times like these
It only takes a word spoken in the dark, from the heart
Where this light can be reached
There is only one name that can claim the power of light
Only in His name, can the blind gain sight
His name is Jesus


I have been writing poetry since I was 32, that was twenty years ago when God gave me the gift at a retreat! After years of sharing this gift It has been put to music by two producers I met, Michael Feifer and Brandon Jarrett. They did an amazing job! I pray God uses these songs to bless and heal! I hope you like it, and if you do like it, please share it! Thank you!