

This poem came at a time in My life where I had to step away from seven years of evangelical preaching at a very large rehabilitation center. The best seven years of my life so far. I had stepped into a new career in which I had worked very hard towards. Little did I know major tests in my life would follow. I was newly married with a child on the way, a new house and job. The job I soon found out was more like a brotherhood. I was tested to fit in like most any job. I think the changes In me began by small compromises at a time. slowly I began putting on masks that I spent years taking off. The masks I am talking about are the masks we put on to show we are not afraid or masks that protect our hearts. Masks that hide our true selves. If you put on a mask often enough it becomes very hard to stay in touch with our true selves. I began to lose my identity In Christ and found myself very lost once again in my life. I can’t even tell you how many masks I was wearing. Trying to hold my life together wanting to be accepted by my co-workers, I had slowly lost my identity over a five-year period.

When the Lord led me to write the poem masks it changed my life. I knew it was the Lord speaking directly to my heart. I thought about the poem and spent time talking to God about it. I decided to take off my masks and reveal my true self to those I worked with. I will have to say it was one of the most courage’s things I have done in my life. I started sharing my faith and my poetry. It was at that time God started to reveal the direction to go with my ministry. It came after a five-year dry period with God. The poem masks is the reason I am here sharing this ministry with you. Here is the poem I hope you are blessed by it like I was.


Are you a friend or foe?
How then do I know?
You’re there when I need you to protect me
You show off my tough image
You build my confidence when I have none
You make me seem very smart
You have changed me from the start
Do I even know who I am anymore?
I’m consumed by the power you give me
Or shall I say your power has consumed me
You claim to protect my heart
Yet, you have hid it from me
You stole my courage and identity
My truth, my vulnerability
You claim to save me from pain
Yet, you create more day by day
Off I say, off I say
To this lie you betray
You have multiplied in numbers
The truth in me slumbers, to be known again
I’m taking off these masks
To you I ask, is it ok to be me?


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8 thoughts on “Masks

  1. Very nice! There are many people in this world I’ve encountered who try so hard to be everything but themselves including myself at one time. I’ve learned over time it is perfect to be yourself because we are all imperfect. 🙂 Thanks for the read! Looking forward to more.

  2. Really like this! Always good to consider what masks we are wearing and what power we are giving to those masks. Thankfully our true self hood in Christ is more powerful and more substantive. Thanks for your post.

  3. This is thought provoking, fascinating and very poignant. Well written thank you! I so enjoyed reading.
    PS: “wanting to be excepted by my co-workers” – you most likely mean “accepted”.

  4. an insightful and thought provoking poem. i especially liked the closing question :”is it ok to be me?” We all must get to ask ourselves this question deliberately. Thanks for stopping by my blog too. i appreciate that.

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