oh jacob 1

I wrote the poem out of Isaiah 41,42,43 The spirit of God was speaking to me and prophesying to me powerfully when He led me to pull certain segments of scripture from the three. This became a very powerful song that my ministry partner Paul Montgomery put to music. One day I hope I can share it with you. It is one of the most powerful worship songs I have ever heard.

We Christians are Israel to God, His new Jerusalem! This is Gods song to us! Did you know God sings? Did You know He sings over us? I am convinced He does. Read the words and picture Him singing this love song to you. His banner over us is love and if we are created in His image than I am convinced God sings and He sings over us. Every time  I listen to this song with my heart open, I cannot hold back the tears. His presence comes reconfirming His incredible love for us. We are supposed to be worshiping Him, and we do! He is the creator of worship and He worships His creation. His deep love for us, If we could even go that deep we couldn’t contain it in theses earthly bodies. Think about how we worship our children. When they make our hearts sing. The deep joy we feel inside, the incredible smile they bring to our faces. As God is hand crafting you, molding the clay of your heart, He pours living water over you, to soften you, to shape you into His image. He sings over you His love. The amazing thing about this song is, as I am singing it, knowing He is singing it to me, the worship that comes from my heart to Him meets in an incredible middle. It becomes a colliding of hearts, Gods to ours.

It’s not all about Gods Judgement and His correcting of our sinful ways. It is so easy to read the bible especially the Old Testament and see Gods anger and judgement. The Bible needs to be viewed as a whole. If you see the Bible in its entirety you cannot miss the incredible love story. A champion, a knight, a prince rescuing His bride, the bride of Christ, Oh Jacob Oh Israel!!!!!!

May you hear His voice from heaven singing over you, may your hearts so ever be blessed of His songs, His whisper, His banner of love over you.

Oh Jacob Oh Israel can be purchased at our store, a portion of the proceeds go to helping those in need. www.fullofrosesinspirationals.com